This one.

So let me start with how we got here... My grandma (my Vó, in Portuguese) recently turned 81. 81!! Like a horrible grandchild, the day got ahead of me and I didn't call. Like, I'm embarrassed writing this, honestly.
This woman is another mother to me. She was there for me during some life struggles, taking me in, helping me work, and helping me get through school, and she made me breakfast, lunch, & dinner every day. She's important.
So I called her the day after her birthday and of course, she jokingly gave me a hard time and says: "You know what I want? A huge glamorous picture of just me in my room. I'll take a selfie and send it to you. Can you print it?"
Grandma. I literally do that for a living! I quickly started looking for a studio rental and was able to secure one in Paoli for that weekend (shout out Verika Paluch!).
I pick her up that Saturday (I'm running late of course) and she said she hoped I was going to call to cancel since she started changing her mind. I'm glad she didn't because we were amazing together.
Taking these pictures meant so much to me. It was a hectic day overall, so I did not get a chance to jump in, but the experience in general is one I will forever cherish.
How BEAUTIFUL is she?
Eu te amo, Vó.
