It warms my heart when I can literally watch families grow. This one is no different as I watched Beth & Ken at their gorgeous wedding day and we are now celebrating their baby girl turning 1!
Like other "quarantine babies", Olivia wasn't too sure about meeting me. We worked through that with lots of cuddles and kisses, some movement, and extra love while we worked on getting comfortable.

This little girl had such squishy cheeks and she was such a little pleasure to work with!
As with most 1 year old celebrations, cake is usually involved. She wasn't sure what to think of it and with prompting, she went for it and seemed to cautiously enjoy. I think it can be such a special activity to include mom & dad in these, and this was no exception.... except for when dad dropped the cake, but that's fine.
Here are their highlights!

Yum, yum, yum!